Today my mother travels a long way to come and stay for a week. I think of all the struggle she has been through the last few years taking care of her own mom and now finally her mother is in a home being well cared for. Even though this was necessary and what is best my mom is very upset about the whole ordeal. She wears her emotions outwardly and has become better at sharing her burden of taking care of a parent who is mentally not there any longer. I am glad she will come and rest and I can't imagine the stress she leaves behind. I don't know what to expect while she is here because, I myself know, that when you leave behind a very high situation ….high stress, anxiety and the load you carry, and you come off that high, it tends to be a crash.
I am hoping she is able to breath easy for a bit and know that she has support here for anything she wants to talk about.
It is hard being so different form my mother. We have always been so very different. It makes it hard for me to understand why she feels she must go on suffering with her own chronic pain and not rely on modern medicine to help her even though natural medicine only takes care of maybe 5% of what she deals with daily. It does help but she needs so much more to help carry her through her depressions and moods.....and yes pain.
This issue of pain runs deep in my family. Just like the force in Star wars. LOL. It Is something we all know on some level. How we all deal with it well that is all very different from one to one.
I do think that how a person deals with pain and what they do it is what defines them. If they are not able to know what to do with the pain in their lives it says something about them to ask for help or get help to learn coping techniques. It says they are wise and wish a better life for themselves and those close around them.
This issue of pain whether emotional or physical and so often both and such a mystery to us. Keep opening your mind and eyes wider and you will see a connection in yourself. I feel that every day that goes by I notice something else that is a connection or a key to my pain where I am able to cope so much better or just to live on through it and not give up.
lol...versatile huh. well, thanks. maybe that is my attention span that just can't keep on one subject for long eh. not sure if that is always good. is very stream of consciousness on here so mostly i think that is why it is something kinda different all the time. my mind kinda spins at times. Why thank you very much.