Sunday, October 30, 2011

emotional pain= physical pain= anger and more pain

A realization hit me as I visited with my sisters the other day. That some of my pain and health problems comes from problems i didn't even know we had in our family. Things that have been around my whole life that are emotional hurdles dealing with acceptance and letting go.

THere are so many other challenges that I have watched beat down my family because it wasn't possible for my Mom to help herself. I needed to count on her but she was suffering and unable to move to assist herself and therefore unable to help us as children.

Still to this day my mother is not strong enough to help herself by asking for assistance with hard emotional situations or even physical things that she is unable to do alone. She takes on so much and burns herself in to a melted puddle. She is emotionally strung out pretty much all the time. I watch her break down and deal with depression by hiding in a room from it and turning to the same remedies that have failed her over and over. She is paralyzing herself. Unwilling to change and accept change she will go out this way too if she doesn't take action for herself soon. This is actually something I see more clearly after hearing one of my sisters view on the situation. Another view always helps.

Being around my sisters and seeing how much of that helplessness has been passed to us is hurtful and almost impossible to watch. I see the inability to deal with emotional trauma and the transference of emotional pain into physical pain. All of us struggling to learn new coping techniques to deal with our lives because what we watched was self distraction. It wasn't healthy and isn't something we want to follow in.

It certainly wasn't something my mother tried to do or pass on. It was and is how she is and however she must have learned to deal with her problems and stresses. However, even though I feel love and worry for her I also feel anger and resentment. I feel a lot of anger about a lot of things anymore.

I am concerned about my husband and the way I express it to him is in an angry tone. I express most of my concern for my loved ones in an angry way. I am frustrated for not knowing how to help them and so I am angry and I am frustrated in not knowing how to help myself and for that I am angry too.

I want and need to dispel this anger and would like to learn how.

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